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This hypnosis file is a bit evil and a bit fun. It is triggered by hearing or seeing the word Moo or by seeing a cow. When it does you mind goes placid and you feel yourself becoming a HuCow Udders and all. While that might normally be a bit dangerous it has a lot of safeties put in so that if you aren't in a safe place to be a cow all you might do is moo yourself which people do all the time. If the real world calls you'll go right back to being yourself but the call of the Moo is never far away.
You can download this file here: Trig HuCow
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This is a total remake of my old Train Cross Dress file. This file will now work for either gender and makes the listener desire to cross dress in the clothes of the opposite sex. It does not affect gender identity or sexual desires. It just makes you want to wear their clothes.
You can download it here: Train Cross Dress - Remastered
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- Hits: 862
This is a simple hypnotic curse, behave like an adult and you can be one, behave in a childish manner and you will regress to being a child. The more childish your behavior is the more of one you will become until you are nothing more than a little baby. The file has protections for your safety and sleeping will let you regain your adulthood but when you behave like a baby, that is what you will become.
You can purchase this file here: Curse - Behavior Based Regression
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- Hits: 884
This hypnosis file transforms you into a dog permanently. There are safeties put in so that you can function in society and aren't one around people that don't know you deep down inside you will be a dog and whenever possible you will behave as one. This is a recreation of the original traindog file.
You can download this file here: Train Dog - Remastered
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- Category: File Announcements
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- Hits: 699
This hypnosis file was made for a user who asked me to make it public. If your dominant forces you to dress as an adolescent girl then if you resist you will find yourself regressing and losing bladder control, the more you resist the more infantile you become with diapers becoming mandatory should you continue to misbehave.
You can download this file here: Behavior Based Regression
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