The Chip

$30.00 each

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This file is based on DarkMind's story "The Chip" and creates a Bio-Bot trigger inside the listener. When triggered with "Bio-bot activate" a Bio-Bot like the one described in the story will activate and say "Initialization complete." The bot will be completely programmable by the trigerer and will have 2 active personalities that can be activated with the phrases "Activate Personality A" and "Activate Personality B" The personalities are:

Personality A
Same as your own personality but thinks of itself as bio-bot, thinks of trigerer as your owner and has no ability to move/control itself, responds to it's owners commands instead.

Personality B
Has all youre sexual knowledge and skills, is completely attracted to the trigerer and serves them. Also has all your original household skills and knowledge.

When deactivated with "Deactivate Personality A(B, etc) you will revert to a completely programmable state controlled by the trigerer. You will remain a bio-bot until the next morning or until the original trigerer says "bio-bot deactivate." This file works for men or women.